If your Instagram feed only shows the reels, like my feed. Learn why this happens and regain control. Create a diverse feed with my personal guide.

Why is My Instagram Just Showing Reels: The Complete Guide

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As a passionate user of Instagram, I have always enjoyed the diverse content that fills my feed. From beautiful travel photos to inspiring quotes and mouth-watering food posts, Instagram has been a platform where I can explore different aspects of life. However, recently I noticed a significant change in my Instagram feed – it is flooded with reels, those short-form videos that have taken the platform by storm.
So, why is my Instagram Just showing reels?
Like me, I’m sure you’ve noticed a recent shift in your feed. Instead of the usual mix of posts and videos, your Instagram feed seems to be overrun with Reels.

In this article, I’ll explore the algorithm behind Instagram’s feed and uncover why our Instagram only shows Reels. Get ready to dive into the world of Reels and discover how to regain balance in your feed.

The Instagram Algorithm and the Rise of Reels

To truly comprehend why your Instagram feed is flooded with Reels, we need to delve into the workings of the Instagram algorithm. The algorithm is a complex system designed to deliver content that is most relevant and engaging to each user. It takes into account various factors, such as your interests, engagement history, and the accounts you follow. The algorithm analyzes this data and determines what content to show you in your feed.

Over the past years, Instagram has significantly pushed to promote its Reels feature.
With the introduction of reels, Instagram has been actively promoting this feature to encourage user engagement. Reels are short, entertaining videos that capture users’ attention and keep them scrolling through their feeds for longer periods.

As more users began to embrace Reels, Instagram took notice and adjusted its algorithm to prioritize this type of content.

The Algorithm’s Role in Reels Dominating Your Feed

The Instagram algorithm is constantly evolving to keep users engaged on the platform for longer periods of time. With the growing popularity of Reels, the algorithm has recognized the potential of this feature to captivate users and keep them scrolling. As a result, Reels have been given a prominent position in users’ feeds, often overshadowing other types of content.

Instagram takes into account your interests, the accounts you follow, and the content you engage with to tailor your feed to your preferences.

Personalization and Reels

Another important factor in why Reels dominate your Instagram feed is personalization.
The algorithm considers your past behavior on the app to predict what content you’re interested in.
Instagram takes into account your interests, the accounts you follow, and the content you engage with to tailor your feed to your preferences.

If you’ve been engaging with reels or following accounts that heavily feature reels, Instagram’s algorithm has likely noticed your interest in this type of content.
This personalized approach aims to provide you with a feed that aligns with your preferences and keeps you engaged.
As a result, your feed may be showing an abundance of reels to cater to your preferences.

The Instagram Reels Tab and Its Impact

In addition to the algorithm and personalization, the presence of the Instagram Reels tab contributes to the dominance of reels in your feed. The Reels tab is a dedicated section on the platform where users can discover the best and most popular reels. As users explore this tab more, the algorithm takes note and continues showing them more reels in their feed.

The Popularity of Reels

The widespread popularity of Reels has also contributed to their dominance in your Instagram feed. Many users have embraced this new feature, creating and sharing entertaining videos that resonate with a wide audience. As more users join the Reels trend, the algorithm responds by showing more Reels in users’ feeds, creating a cycle that further amplifies their presence.

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Regaining Balance in Your Feed

While reels have become a prominent feature on Instagram, it’s understandable that some users may want to balance their feeds with a variety of content. If you find yourself overwhelmed with reels and craving a more diverse feed, here there are steps you can take to regain balance and see a more diverse range of content:

  1. Engage with Different Types of Content: To signal to the algorithm that you’re interested in more than just Reels, make an effort to engage with other types of content, such as posts, stories, and IGTV videos. Like, comment, and share content that resonates with you to give the algorithm a clearer picture of your preferences.
  2. Explore the Explore Page: The Explore page is a treasure trove of diverse content tailored to your interests. Use this feature to explore new accounts, hashtags, and topics that align with your interests. By actively engaging with a variety of content on the Explore page, you can influence the algorithm to show you a broader range of posts.
  3. Follow a Diverse Range of Accounts: Expand your follow list to include accounts that share the type of content you enjoy. By following accounts that focus on different topics, you can create a more diversifying feed that caters to your specific interests.
  4. Hide Reels from Specific Accounts: If specific accounts consistently post Reels that don’t align with your interests, you can hide their Reels. Simply tap the three dots on a Reel from that account and select “Not interested” to tailor your feed to your liking.
  5. Hide Reels from Specific Accounts: If specific accounts consistently post Reels that don’t align with your interests, you can hide their Reels. Simply tap the three dots on a Reel from that account and select “Not interested” to tailor your feed to your liking.

By implementing these strategies, you can take control of your Instagram feed and create a more balanced and personalized experience beyond just reels.

Embracing the Benefits of Reels

While the dominance of reels in your feed may have initially been a cause for concern, it’s essential to recognize the benefits of this feature.

Reels offer unique advantages that can enhance your Instagram experience:


  • Increased Visibility: Reels have become a powerful tool for increasing your visibility on Instagram. As Instagram promotes this feature heavily, there’s a higher chance of your reels reaching a wider audience, including those who don’t follow you yet.
  • Engagement with Your Audience: Reels provide an interactive platform for engaging with your audience. Creating entertaining and informative videos can spark conversations, build relationships, and foster a sense of community with your followers.
  • Showcasing Personality and Creativity: Reels allow you to showcase your personality and creativity in a way that static photos and posts can’t. This offers a unique opportunity to stand out from the crowd and leave a lasting impression on your followers.

By embracing these benefits, you can leverage reels to elevate your Instagram presence and connect with your audience on a deeper level.


So, why is your Instagram just showing Reels? The answer lies in Instagram’s evolving algorithm and its emphasis on promoting the Reels feature. While this may initially feel overwhelming, understanding the algorithm’s mechanics and taking proactive steps to curate your feed can help you regain balance and enjoy a wider variety of content.

By engaging with different types of content, utilizing the Explore page, and curating your follow list, you can actively shape your Instagram experience and create a feed that reflects your interests and preferences. Embrace the opportunities that reels offer and explore the creative potential they hold.

Now it’s your turn! Try out these strategies and share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below. Let’s empower each other to navigate the ever-changing landscape of Instagram together!

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